This screen allows you to retrieve payment information.
  1. Select the ID Type you will be using (SSN, FEIN or middle 10 numbers (between hyphens) Wisconsin Tax Number - WTN)
  2. Enter the ID number
  3. Enter one of the following:
    • The amount of one of the last three payments made, OR
    • The amount of Wisconsin income from last year's tax return
  4. Press the "Submit" button

For additional inquiries please see question 4 of the Individual Income Tax Estimated Tax Payments.

(Numbers only.)
(Whole dollars. Numbers only)
Filing Period Effective Date Payment Type Amount Applied Amount Unapplied
Subtotal - {{ item.year }} Tax Year {% if item.appliedAmount %}${% endif %}{{ item.appliedAmount }} {% if item.unappliedAmount %}${% endif %}{{ item.unappliedAmount }}
{{ item.period }} {{ item.effectiveDate }} {{ item.type }} {% if item.appliedAmount %}${% endif %}{{ item.appliedAmount }} {% if item.unappliedAmount %}${% endif %}{{ item.unappliedAmount }}

Account Locked!

Three failed search attempts have resulted in the locking of this account.

No further attempts will be allowed for 24 hours.

Click to go to the DOR Home Page


Please be sure that you entered the Identification Number and Payment Amount correctly.

If you're sure you entered them correctly and you still receive this message, no ${challengeType} of the amount entered and belonging to the ${idType} entered is presently found on this system.

No Payments

No payments were found on file for this identifier.


There has been a communications error with the server. Please try your request again later.